
Monday, November 15, 2010

W1 D1

Well, I was up this morning at 8am rearing to go...well maybe not rearing...but I was up and ready! Hard getting back in to the routine...but I might as well start as I will be working soon!!

Core Synergistic's...One of my favs...Although lots of push ups...which are tough for me as I have little to no upper body strength...But I know that I will build up to the 10-12 reps that are showed. Opposed to my 2 -5 LOL

Today's meals were awesome:

After Workout I had 1 Cup of Chocolate Almond Silk with half a Cliff Builder Bar

Breakfast: Green Monster; 1 C Silk Light, 1/2 Banana, 1/2 C frozen berries, 4 Tbs hemp protein powder, 1 Tbs Chia seeds, 1 Tbs Flax seeds, 1/4 C Aloe, Big handful of spinach (Tomorrow I will add 1 C of berries..tasted a bit too green LOL)

Lunch: Mushroom Omelet: Used the recipe from the P90X booklet...replaced eggs with 3 oz Tofu (extra firm) and used regular onion and tomato as it was what I had on hand, topped with basil and parsley...Also an apple and a Cup of Silk

Dinner: Roasted Red Pepper soup, used the recipe from the booklet, but omitted the wine, only used 3 red peppers and used 4 cups of veggie broth.

Also made Black Bean burgers..YUM! got the recipe from and will post it in a separate post, Also I had just a 1/2 C wild rice....when I put a whole cup on my plate I was like WOW that's a lot of I pared it down to a 1/2...And also had some green Beans

Snack: So the battery in my scale died so I just guessed, Had some dried apricots and Almonds :)

Please let me know if you have any questions...and to save me from writing that every time...your questions are always welcome!

peace out

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